I Am Appreciated for My Efforts at Levity During Dark Times.

I guess I woke up around 5:00 AM or so from a rather disturbing dream. It involved a group of kids that didn’t have any clothes on in a room a full-grown adult wouldn’t have enough room to lay down in. There seemed to be five children in there.

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I Am the Most Wanted by an American Woman.

“You lost your stick down a trench that led into a cavern with criminals hiding in it? You were walking along a road that had ocean waves washing over it on a clear sunny day? Ellen had found a comfortable spot to lay on the sand amidst all the water? And you are sneaking off to where now my Love?”

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I Am Seen as An Equal by a Loving Woman.

There were checks to cash, clients to serve and of course, household matters to deal with; none of which Julia or I felt like getting out of bed to bother with. It’s not that we don’t like our house, work, or receiving income. We just would have preferred to stay frozen in that moment of awakening, “Comfortably intertwined together.”

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I Am in Excellent Health.

I thought I was dreaming at first because I was in a really deep sleep; the breathing I was hearing in my left ear sounding far away and distant. Everything else just felt way too good to be true as well. But then a voice spoke in my left ear saying, “You’re back online with a vengeance Babe and you feel so good,” and I realized it wasn’t a dream after all.

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I Am Highly Respected at Newtonian Gardens Apartments.

When we awoke this morning, we decided to stay one more night here in our apartment at Newtonian Gardens before heading back to the house tomorrow. Julia didn’t have any clients until the afternoon, so we figured we’d clean up around here today and then leave tomorrow morning to see what state the snow left our house in before getting down to business.

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