I Am Seen as a Competent Person.

I finished reading the book, “Meet the Hybrids,” today and came across a section that explained the techniques some of the people interviewed for the book talked about using. Nothing special really. They just visualized and or called out to the guides they wanted to talk to while in a meditative state and things preceded from there. The authors of the book, naturally, suggest you read through it a few more times. “But I’m not feeling like I’m going to be in a rush to experience that level of crazy again.”

I told Julia about it when I was done and she said, “You sound disappointed. It’s almost like you were hoping there was more for you to learn.”

I looked at her for a long moment, me standing in the doorway to her study, before speaking again. Then I finally said, “You know? Actually I was. Maybe it’s just me. But I’ve always felt comfortable writing out and working affirmations and meditation scripts to accomplish what I wanted to. I never really felt comfortable just talking in my head and visualizing. As crazy as the people in the book sound, it’s like breathing to them, the stuff they say they can do.”

Julia rose from her desk and walked over to me saying, “I don’t have any more sessions to handle today. Come sit with me on my couch?”

I walked over to the couch with her and sat down, knowing before I had come to talk with her that it was 4:30 PM. When she sat down with me she said, “I could tell from your laughter in the other room that you were listening to some outrageous stuff. But you saw the book through. Why?”

I responded, “I don’t know. From a dream analysis stand point I could certainly see what was going on. I had a sense too that the whole alien obduction thing was a coping mechanism for these folks. One woman they interviewed, in my unprofessional opinion, was either sexually abused at some point in her life, or was resisting an aspect of herself so strongly that these lucid dreams manifested as her being raped by a reptilian like alien. Of course, she might have a strong view of men as being cold and uncaring, too. But that is how I would see it.”

Julia Thought a minute and then replied, “It’s also possible that someone near her is friendly on the surface and deep down is heartless, too. You once told me that when you dream of snakes you tend to look in your environment for the one person who is displaying snake in the grass like behavior.”

I nodded. “That is true,” I said. “It is a practice that has kept me out of trouble on more than one occasion; some people who have approached me being just down right toxic. Sometimes though, the snake represents someone who is dealing with bipolar disorder or some other form of mental illness. Sometimes the snake represents the cool texture of a person’s skin from them being on the medication used to help them keep their affairs in order.”

“Now that’s something I never realized,” Julia said in amazement. “But… It does make sense and I guess if you can’t see someone you tend to notice stuff like that more. Cool!”

She then leaned over and kissed me and asked, “How about we hit the Hampton Diner tonight? Then you can tell me over dinner why you ordered St. John’s Wort and Garlic supplements from Amazon.” She then gave my hand a squeeze saying, “It’s all good. I’m just curious as to what it’s all about.”

So, at the diner, while we ate I explained that I had been tipped off in a dream that the garlic might help me with my overall health. “That makes sense,” Julia said. “What about the St. John’s Wort though?”

“I have been taking it for a few days now,” I said, “And my supply was running low. It just helps to take the edge off so I can relax more easily. With everything that’s been going on with COVID… The way a lot of people have been acting… The constant doomsday predictions everywhere you turn… Well… It has also been helping to cut down on some of the light shows I see at night. Since I started taking it, dark has actually stayed dark much longer than it had been over the past few months.”

She came around to my side of the table as I was talking, without me being aware of it at first. But as soon as I felt her next to me I automatically slid over without thinking about it and she sat down and slid her plate and coffee to my side of the table as well.

“I probably should have mentioned…” I started to say. But she slipped an arm around me and breathed in my ear, “I’m not mad at you at all. We’re good.”

She then kissed me and said, “I’ve noticed you’ve been sleeping rather soundly, too, which is a good thing. I do miss talking with Brian the Snoozer though. But you taking St. John’s Wort does explain why he hasn’t been coming out to play.” She then laughed softly at the look I was giving her before kissing me deeply.

She then said very seriously, “If there’s anything I can do to make things less stressful please let me know, ok?” She then kissed me again and began working on her dinner once more.

“You do something to help me?” I said quietly. “Baby, you help me every day,” I said.

“Yeah?” Julia asked. “How is that?”

“You’re here with me,” I said. “You hear what I’m saying when I’m not even speaking a word. You do a lot for me in so many different ways. I Just couldn’t get rid of the tension in my body like…”

“Brian, I get it,” Julia responded. “I understand. Really, I do. Just know that if there really is something I can do for you that will help outside of my usual, say the word and I’ll do it, ok? You’ve done the same for me in the past when I’ve hit bumps in the road. So… Please relax? I’m not taking what your doing as a personal insult. It’s perfectly understandable. And… That’s enough coffee for you sir. You’ve just started your fourth cup. I’ll have them bring you a water with lemon to finish your dinner with. We’re all good here. It’s ok.”

“Do I sound like…” I began and She cut me off with a sharp shushing sound before putting her hand on my leg and saying very gently, “It’s more what you radiate than the sound of your voice or appearance. You get a certain feel about you when you are stressed, which thankfully isn’t the ice cold feeling you radiate when your pissed. But all the same… I can feel your panic over hurting my feelings and I’m letting you know right now you haven’t hurt my feelings at all.”

She then gave my leg a squeeze and caught our waiter, Ciro, as he went by and asked him to bring me a water with lemon. We ate in silence, touching each other under the table from time to time as we ate.

When we reached home, the wife said, “Come shower with me.” I nodded and got undressed. But… Julia had other ideas before that shower would ever take place. “God is good!”

Author: Brian Schnabel

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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