I Am Seen as a Competent Person.

I finished reading the book, “Meet the Hybrids,” today and came across a section that explained the techniques some of the people interviewed for the book talked about using. Nothing special really. They just visualized and or called out to the guides they wanted to talk to while in a meditative state and things preceded from there. The authors of the book, naturally, suggest you read through it a few more times. “But I’m not feeling like I’m going to be in a rush to experience that level of crazy again.”

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I Am an Awesome Audio Editor.

At one point over the weekend Julia did clue me in as to what kind of meditation file she wanted done and it was a pretty straight forward thing. She had a script for a guided relaxation type meditation she wanted to use and asked me if I would be willing to record the track for her. I couldn’t help laughing though when she said, “I’ve never really done this kind of thing before, and you’ve got the kind of voice that could charm the eyes right off a rattlesnake.”

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I’m Good at Thinking Outside the Box.

I slipped out of bed this morning, suddenly feeling wide awake at 5:00 AM, which is about the time I naturally wake up without an alarm, anyway. Julia was out cold and had such a peaceful feeling about her that I figured she’d be out for at least another two or three hours.

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I Am Gifted with Inner Vision.

There’s a certain stillness in the air, even when all hell is breaking loose outside. I could hear a plow off in the distance and the freezing rain hitting the bedroom windows. But Julia was sleeping peacefully curled up against me and everything just seems as it should be. “Mother Nature’s going to do what she’s going to do and so are we.”

Continue reading “I Am Gifted with Inner Vision.”