I awoke to the sensation of… Well… The thing was… Uh… There was a freshly showered thigh near me on the bed and… Um… “I couldn’t resist kissing it.”
The smell of my wife’s freshly washed body… The feel of her against me as I shifted so she was on top… The way her cascade of long clean silky damp hair was moving against my own thighs and hips as she bobbed her head… The sound of her as I began working my own magic with my lips and tongue… The sweet taste of her growing pleasure with all that was happening… The sensation of those moans and groans of pleasure; them vibrating her throat as she worked the muscles of it around the full length of my… Well… “I could feel those vibrations from head to toe!”
Between all that and the stillness of the early morning as the rain poured down outside… It was all so very peaceful. I could have stayed frozen in time with her like that forever.
But… Eventually… Nature took over and we found other positions to enjoy. When we finally got out of bed, we both had a perky spring to our step.
Julia isn’t usually a screamer. But this morning… Well… She left no doubt in my mind, “She was very happy!”
She was working at our office building here in Newton NJ today and had back-to-back marriage counseling sessions. So… I didn’t see or hear from her outside of the occasional text exchange; her happily firing one off when she had a free moment to check up and check in. Think, “Sexting!”
I got my header’s done for BrianSchnabel.com and now have a pretty good idea as to which one I want to use for this project. I also did a few Remote Viewing sessions to determine the format I should definitely be using for the site so that the subject matter didn’t leave a visitor confused as to what it’s intended purpose was.
These days, I could care less what the search engines think. When Julia and I talked this evening about what we were both working on separately and together she commented, “You are probably only one of a thousand people who walk the face of this planet and able to do what you do. I’m glad to see you are truly trusting in and letting that gift within you have free range.”
Sometimes I wonder if she knows that she’s also one of that thousand, too. Julia herself has done some pretty remarkable things that defy explanation. She’s a natural intuitive and that’s just merely the beginning of her list of unusual skills.
It was still raining when we called it a day. But the sound made falling asleep a breeze.