“Wow,” I heard. “You’ve been at it for two and a half hours,” she then said as I felt a hand on my shoulder. She then added, “That’s quite the focus!”
I was in my study working a meditation with headphones on using a 20 minute binaural audio MP3 file. I would restart it when it ended; thus staying fully in the game.
Today’s meditation topic? Well… It was a little remote viewing project for the FBI; them having unsuccessfully figured out who murdered a young woman and then left her skeleton fully assembled in a corporate office.
They know who she is based on the DNA they were able to obtain from her skeleton and, although they didn’t tell me much else, she was reported missing just after Christmas 2021. Her Skeleton, which had been meticulously polished to a high gloss and left sitting at her desk in some corporation’s headquarters, turned up there shortly after the start of the new year.
I took notes during the session using a micro mini recorder while working the meditation, as is my custom when I’m doing what I personally refer to as Vision Surfing. I’m still awake enough to speak, just barely, and am keeping a record of the images, visions, and other sensations and auditory anomalies I experience.
The next step from there is to then go back and listen to the recordings and write out everything I can. Then there is the final step. “Weeding through everything to see what fits together and what doesn’t.”
Not everything that comes up during these sessions is going to be related to my intended search target and query. But each item does need to be looked at closely to make sure that what I’m labeling as trash is really that. “Trash.”
Yeah… I knew what I’d be working on for a while longer after the meditation phase of the project ended. But I had started at 1:00 PM and had asked Julia to check in on me at 3:30 PM in case I lost track of the time, which I clearly did. I rarely lose consciousness for more than a few seconds when doing this Remote Viewing stuff. But it is very easy to lose track of time, even if you’ve successfully stayed right at the gateway between consciousness and beyond for extended periods.
She leaned down to where I was stretched out on my couch and kissed me lightly before asking, “How did it go? You seemed to be talking a lot. Was this a success?”
I nodded and smiled. “I might not have the exact answers that they are looking for,” I said. “But,” I continued, “I certainly believe I can help them narrow the field.”
Julia handed me a coffee saying, “I figured you might like this. I’ll be within shouting distance if you need anything.” “What time do you want to do dinner?” I asked her.
She kissed me again saying, “When you are ready. Now put that puzzle of yours together as much as you think you can for now and bring that young woman’s family some closure.” She then ran her fingers through my hair before silently walking out of the study.
And so… After a trip to the bathroom and a bit more coffee… “I got down to business.”
By the time I called it quits at 6:30 PM I was smiling pretty big. I think one of the reasons the FBI likes working with me is that, although the process I use is Greek to them, I am able to package things in terms they will understand. I do try to verify as much as I can online before I am willing to commit to anything. And… They are careful not to share too much stuff with me to insure that what I’m feeding them is accurate information.
And… No. They don’t come to me with cases that the press has aired the hell out of, making my work for them so much easier. In this particular situation? I only spotted one very short article talking about how the young woman had been reported missing and it confirmed for me that I was on the right track as it had mentioned her name. “It fit with the one I had gotten from my session.”
The article also confirmed for me the location she lived and worked in. The FBI never gives me that stuff either, “By design!”
I’d found some of the other stuff I’d seen in my short visions on the internet as well. It was enough to tell me that other pieces from my session fit into the case as well, even though they would have to be the ones to confirm those facts for sure.
You might say that they come to me when they’ve run out of options. And… For my part, I just point them in a direction they’d yet to pursue. You never finger a killer based on visions and dreams. “You use the visions and dreams to locate pieces of evidence you’ve overlooked or just couldn’t find in order to finger a killer.”
Julia and I hit the Hampton Diner for dinner, each of us doing the salad thing given the fact that it was nearly 7:00 PM when we arrived. When we got home it was nearly 9:00 PM and, after straightening up in the kitchen a bit, my lady is now in the shower singing AC/DC’s, You Shook Me All Night Long, “Loudly!”
I do love her subtlety. So… I’m off to join her, “All Night Long!”