I’m Good at Anticipating the Actions of Others.

Today was wet outside but I had plenty to keep me busy inside. So… It really wasn’t a big deal. And… Just for the hell of it, I started surfing the internet at one point looking for Royalty Free stuff thinking about the pending Meditation project the wife texted me about yesterday.

What I found? Technically? Some of what’s being advertised as Royalty Free on Amazon Music and other places… Uh… “What a fucking joke!”

The only thing that paying for supposed Royalty Free stuff does is save one time in the recording and editing department. And… When what you are looking for is only a few bucks to download… Yeah… “The joke is worth playing along with.”

The trick is to make sure that what you use is not enough to get you in hot water with any studios, producers, actors, musicians, etc. If you know music, for example, it’s generally not a smart idea to use more than a few seconds of a song in your own For Profit recordings; you avoiding using any portion of the song, like the chorus, that could be considered the essence of the piece.

So… the bottom line is, when I help Julia out with the meditation audio she wants us to create I have two options. The easiest one is to pay for the so called Royalty Free stuff that someone else more than likely ripped off from somewhere and sold through a place like Apple Music or Amazon. Or, I could go the more complex route and create my own stuff using what Julia and I have here already, “If it is even necessary!”

I’m not going to know what kind of meditation track my lady wants to create until the weekend unless she starts talking in her sleep as fluently as I apparently do. But, it never hurts to look at options, “Right?”

Author: Brian Schnabel

A single Goldberg Realty owned Newtonian Gardens Apartments resident, Self-Publishing Author, cPanel WordPress Web Host and Windows 11 powered computer tech. A musician, sailor, hiker, cycler and… Yes ladies… Some women would say, “Magical, too!”

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